GX_GR117 Springfield, IL Tue, May 12, 2020 USDA-IL Dept of Ag Market News Central Illinois Soybean Processor report Central Illinois Processor Bids and Offers as of 2:30 p.m. (Prices Quoted-Oil Cents/lb, Meal, Hulls Dollars/ton, Grains Dollars/bu) Offers Change Basis Change Crude Soybean Oil 24.46-24.76 DN 0.23-DN 0.73 -180N to -150N UNCH-DN 50 48% Soybean Meal R 292.10-295.10 UP 1.8 Opt N to 3N UNCH 48% Soybean Meal T 287.10-299.10 UP 1.8 -5N to 7N UNCH Soybean Hulls-bulk 170.00-200.00 UNCH Bids Change Basis Change Soybeans 8.4900-8.6900 DN 3 -3N to 17N UNCH Changes in oil are cents per pound, changes in meals/hulls are dollars per ton, changes in soybeans are cents per bushel. Soybeans = US 1 Yellow; Soybean Meal R = Rail, T = Truck Chicago Board of Trade month symbols: F January, G February, H March, J April, K May, M June, N July, Q August, U September, V October, X November, Z December -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monthly Prices for: April 2020 Soybeans 8.5438 48% Soybean Meal R 295.39 48% Soybean Meal T 295.35 Soybean Hulls–bulk 153.43 Crude Soybean Oil 25.69 Source: USDA-IL Dept of Ag Market News Service, Springfield, IL David Humphreys 217-782-4925 SpringField.LPGMN@ams.usda.gov In state only toll free 888-458-4787 www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/gx_gr117.txt www.ams.usda.gov/LPSMarketNewsPage 1427C dh