LM_XL500,,,, "Des Moines, IA ",,5/12/2020,,USDA Market News ,,,, NATIONAL 5-DAY ROLLING AVERAGE BOXED,LAMB,CUTS - N,EGOTIATED S,ALES FOB Plant basis negotiated sales for,deli,very with,in 0-21 day,"period," "fresh and frozen carlot volume, incl",uding,sales si,nce last re,"port, U.S." dollars per 100 pounds.,,,, ,,,, Current Volume,,,, ,,,, Fresh Cuts,,1202027,, Frozen Cuts,,185230,, ------------------------------------,-----,---------,-----------,-------------- *Items with no entries indicate non-,repor,table tra,des.*, FRESH CHOICE & PRIME CUTS,,,, ,# Of,Total,Weighted,Change from IMPS Sub-Primal T,rades,Pound,Average,Prior Days ------------------------------------,-----,---------,-----------,-------------- "200A Carcass, 3-way, 55/dn",0,,, "200A Carcass, 3-way, 55/65",4,688,$415.26 ,-14.78 "200A Carcass, 3-way, 65/up",0,,, 202 Foresaddle,0,,, 203 Bracelet,0,,, "204 Rack, 8-Rib, light",4,721,$866.98 ,-6.14 "204 Rack, 8-Rib, medium",49,"12,870",$862.15 ,-2.08 "204 Rack, 8-Rib, heavy",10,"1,227",$882.13 ,-2.27 "204A Rack, chined",19,"6,192","$1,086.63 ",5.55 "204B Rack, roast-ready",5,133,"$1,915.68 ",-35.08 "204C Rack, roast-ready, frenched",65,"9,294","$1,609.11 ",-15.95 "204D Rack, roast-ready, special",10,1152,"$1,972.40 ",-18.51 206 Shoulders,57,"66,714",$297.69 ,1.29 "207 Shoulders, square-cut",192,"97,550",$333.54 ,-0.09 "208 Shoulders, square-cut, bnls",21,"4,216",$503.65 ,7.57 209 Breast,85,"29,302",$287.88 ,1.46 "Breast, bulk",5,"23,891",$231.89 ,0 "209A Ribs, Breast bones off",20,"1,906",$634.81 ,3.47 210 Foreshank,140,"15,540",$415.14 ,3.3 "229 Hindsaddle, long-cut",0,,, 230 Hindsaddle,,,, 231 Loins,,,, "232 Loins, trimmed 4x4",84,"27,004",$447.38 ,10.16 "232 Loins, trimmed 2x2",10,4594,$568.42 ,-3.15 "232 Loins, trimmed 1x1",63,"33,333",$618.16 ,-1.7 "232 Loins, trimmed 0x0",27,"5,766",$732.91 ,-37.92 "232A Loins, short-cut, 2x2",0,,, "232A Loins, short-cut, 1x1",15,3011,597.05,-21.65 "232A Loins, short-cut, 0x0",0,,, "232C Loin, boneless, tied",4,67,"$1,427.16 ",0 "232E Flank, untrimmed",7,"1,547",$223.65 ,-1.27 233 Legs,19,"5,087",$415.10 ,-5.41 "233A Leg, trotter-off",116,"27,425",$386.78 ,2.35 "233C Leg, trotter-off, partial bnl",17,"4,996",$496.49 ,-0.5 "233E Leg, steamship",11,"1,368",$526.54 ,3.91 233F Hindshank,14,"4,364",$412.65 ,-1.03 "234 Leg, Boneless, Tied",85,"48,042",$468.02 ,-2.08 "234A Leg, shank off, bnls",22,"7,889",$636.44 ,-0.28 "234B Leg, 2-way boneless",0,,, "234C Leg, bottom, boneless",0,,, "234D Leg, outside, boneless",,,, "234E Leg, inside, boneless",33,"4,489",$847.00 ,-9.2 "234F Leg, sirloin tip, bnls",0,,, "234G Sirloin, boneless",19,771,$855.61 ,-0.37 235 Back,0,,, "236 Back, trimmed",8,1334,$727.68 ,-0.19 238 Trimmings,4,"1,449",$473.84 ,-0.6 239 Special trimmings,21,"1,370",$538.32 ,11.66 "244 Loin, boneless, 3-way",0,,, 245 Sirloin,0,,, 246 Tenderloin,,,, 295 Lamb for stewing,18,"6,310",$465.17 ,3.61 296 Ground lamb,32,"4,611",$591.47 ,-4.43 Necks,24,"3,601",$226.28 ,11.27 Fat and Bone,5,5,10,0 ------------------------------------,------,---------,-----------,-------------------- FROZEN CHOICE & PRIME CUTS,,,, ,# Of,Total,Weighted,Change from IMPS Sub-Primal T,Trades,Pound,Average,Prior Days ------------------------------------,------,---------,-----------,-------------------- "200A Carcass, 3-way, 55/dn",0,,, "200A Carcass, 3-way, 55/65",0,,, "200A Carcass, 3-way, 65/up",0,,, 202 Foresaddle,0,,, 203 Bracelet,0,,, "204 Rack, 8-Rib, light",0,,, "204 Rack, 8-Rib, medium",7,8673,619.88,1.68 "204 Rack, 8-Rib, heavy",0,,, "204A Rack, chined",0,,, "204B Rack, roast-ready",0,,, "204C Rack, roast-ready, frenched",5,254,1457.89,-19.97 "204D Rack, roast-ready, special",,,, 206 Shoulders,0,,, "207 Shoulders, square-cut",4,3811,297.84,5.65 "208 Shoulders, square-cut, bnls",,,, 209 Breast,6,8429,346.68,0 "Breast, bulk",0,,, "209A Ribs, Breast bones off",,,, 210 Foreshank,13,2587,349.95,-1.11 "229 Hindsaddle, long-cut",0,,, 230 Hindsaddle,0,,, 231 Loins,0,,, "232 Loins, trimmed 4x4",,,, "232 Loins, trimmed 2x2",0,,, "232 Loins, trimmed 1x1",3,3040,453.58,0 "232 Loins, trimmed 0x0",0,,, "232A Loins, short-cut, 2x2",0,,, "232A Loins, short-cut, 1x1",,,, "232A Loins, short-cut, 0x0",0,,, "232C Loin, boneless, tied",0,,, "232E Flank, untrimmed",,,, 233 Legs,0,,, "233A Leg, trotter-off",4,807,388.1,0 "233C Leg, trotter-off, partial bnl",,,, "233E Leg, steamship",0,,, 233F Hindshank,,,, "234 Leg, Boneless, Tied",5,"1,397",$570.26 ,-25.78 "234A Leg, shank off, bnls",0,,, "234B Leg, 2-way boneless",0,,, "234C Leg, bottom, boneless",0,,, "234D Leg, outside, boneless",0,,, "234E Leg, inside, boneless",13,4423,672.78,0.03 "234F Leg, sirloin tip, bnls",0,,, "234G Sirloin, boneless",0,,, 235 Back,0,,, "236 Back, trimmed",0,,, 238 Trimmings,0,,, 239 Special trimmings,3,1020,534.22,0 "244 Loin, boneless, 3-way",0,,, 245 Sirloin,0,,, 246 Tenderloin,,,, 295 Lamb for stewing,6,380,$660.92 ,1.7 296 Ground lamb,13,"3,432",$600.44 ,17.21 Necks,6,2199,218.26,0 Fat and Bone,0,,, ------------------------------------,------,---------,-----------,-------------------- Source: USDA Market News Servic,alue f,or LM_XL5,02 calculat,ion 515-284-4460,,,, 24 Hour recorded market,rain M,arket New,"s Division,","St. Joseph, MO" http://www.ams.usda.gov,,,, 1530C,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, .,,,,