TO_LS150 Torrington, WY Thu May 17, 2019 USDA-WY Dept Ag Market News *** Pasture conditions in Wyoming *** Wyoming, Western and Central Nebraska and Western South Dakota 2019 Annual Grazing Fee Report as of May 13, 2019 Summer grass lease price for cow/calf pairs in Wyoming were mostly steady to 2.00 higher, Western Nebraska steady to 5.00 higher, Central Nebraska and Western South Dakota mostly steady. Yearling grass rent in Wyoming was steady to instances 1.50 higher, Western Nebraska steady to 5.00 higher, Central Nebraska 2.00 higher and Western South Dakota mostly steady. Some land owners went up to help cover the increase tax burden in some states while other land owners are happy at their current summer rates. Most of the higher prices are for full care while the lower prices the tenants have to fix the fence, look after the water and other things for the summer grass. Second year in a row where grass is slow to grow as unseasonal cool temperatures with some late frost and snow have prevailed this spring across all reporting areas. Most reporting areas are in good shape for moisture. However, as of this week, some areas of Wyoming are abnormally dry with moderate drought in the Big Horn Mountains. Several cattlemen had a very hard time finding an open grass lease across Wyoming. A little more readily available grass was on offer this year in some areas of Nebraska. Most of the leases are based on a 5 month grazing season with some of the higher elevation ranges around 100- 120 days grazing periods. Pasture and range report from NASS in Nebraska comes in at 80 percent for good to excellent with last year at 50 percent. South Dakota pasture and range is 61 percent good or better compared to 40 percent in 2018. *** Wyoming is at 60 percent for good to excellent with last year at 66 percent for the second week of May. *** Topsoil moisture in Wyoming is at 85 percent adequate (76 percent in 2018), 78 percent adequate in Nebraska (71 percent 2018), and 63 percent adequate in South Dakota (81 percent 2018). Stock water supplies in Wyoming rated at 86 percent adequate (89 percent 2018). Stock water supplies are no longer reported by NASS for Nebraska and South Dakota. Wyoming NRCS weekly snow report for week ending Apr 22, 2019. Snow for this week weighted state average (area) is 102% with a low of 33% and a high of 138%. Same week last year state average was 123% with a low of 74% and a high of 233%. Prices quoted for cow/calf pairs are per unit/per month, and for yearlings per head/per month. Most contracts are for a 5 month season. --Cow/Calf Pairs-- --2019-- --2018-- Western Wyoming 18.00-35.00 25.00-40.00 Mostly 25.00-35.00 Mostly 25.00-35.00 Instances 40.00 Eastern and 20.00-45.00, 25.00-43.00, Central Wyoming Mostly 30.00-35.00 Mostly 30.00-35.00 Instances 55.00 Western Nebraska 28.00-60.00 35.00-60.00 Mostly 40.00-50.00 Mostly 35.00-50.00 Instances 65.00-70.00 Instances 65.00 Central Nebraska 50.00-70.00 60.00-80.00 Mostly 55.00-65.00 Mostly 60.00-70.00 Instances 75.00-80.00 SW/NW South Dakota 35.00-50.00 35.00-68.00, Instances 60.00 Mostly 45.00-55.00 --Yearlings-- --2019-- --2018 - Western Wyoming 15.00-25.00 17.00-30.00 Mostly 20.00-22.00 Mostly 20.00-22.00 Eastern and 18.00-30.00, 20.00-35.00 Central Wyoming Mostly 20.00-25.00 Mostly 20.00-25.00 Western Nebraska 25.00-40.00 25.00-35.00 Central Nebraska 27.00-37.50 25.00-35.00 S.W. South Dakota 20.00-35.00 20.00-35.00 Mostly 30.00 Mostly 30.00 Note: Lease contracts vary widely even within specific areas. Generally the high end of the price range requires landlords to maintain fences, check windmills/ponds/stock water, cattle, provide salt/minerals, etc. While on the lower end of the price range cattle owners are responsible for these services. Sheep to cattle pasture ratios are usually 6 to 1. Source: USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News, Torrington, WY Thomas Walthers and Kaye Orton, 308-390-5399/307-532-4146 24 Hour Market News Recording 307-532-7200 Office email: 1145c tlw