IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 31-MAR-2020 Provided by: Fruit and Vegetable Market News, Federal Market News Service, USDA Phone: (208)525-0166 Fax: (208)525-5546 IF_FV195 The Following Terms when used by Market News will be interpreted as meaning: Occasional-1 to 5%, Few-6 to 10%, Some-11 to 25%, Many-26 to 50%, Mostly-51 to 90%, Generally-91 to 100% Newburgh, NY Mostly Cloudy 37/47 Rochester, NY Overcast 39/44 Plattsburgh, NY Partly Cloudy 38/45 NEW YORK APPLES FOR PROCESSING 2019 CROP Movement of apples for juice stock from packinghouse sorts, are expected to remain about the same. Trading fairly active. Prices higher. Purchase prices listed are variety, size and quality dependent. Prices for processing apples on Tuesday, March 31, 2020 F.O.B. packing house or receiving station per cwt. 2019 crop: Juice Stock - (Utilizing All Available Varieties from tree picked storable, packinghouse sorts) $10.00-$14.00 mostly $12.50-$13.50 Prices listed include previous commitments. For a list of current open invitations from the USDA Fruit and Vegetable Programs for apple juice, canned applesauce or apples for further processing please refer to the following website location: request/Fruits%2C_Grades_&_Procurement_of Retail prices for Apple Juice and Apple Juice Marked Cider can be viewed on the National Retail Report at: Or the National Apple Processing Report at: