BP_FV195 BALTIMORE April 1, 2020 APPALACHIAN DISTRICT (MD, PA, VA, WV) APPLES, PROCESSED Trading moderate as processors fill increased retail orders for products (mostly juices) due to Covid-19 retail demands. Prices steady. Canners U.S. One f.o.b. packing house or receiving station per cwt includes storage charges premium Golden Delicious, Yorks and Romes 2 1/2 inch minimum/up $11.00-13.00, premium and regular various other varieties 2 1/2 inch minimum/up $8.00-11.00 occasional lower. Juice stock from tree picked and packinghouse sorts various varieties per cwt U.S. Cider grade $9.00-10.00 mostly 10.00. Tons week ending March 28 Juice 214 Canner 2,473 Weekly Total 2,687 Total to Date 108,188 Total to Date Last Season 110,026