MD_DA840 Cheese - Western U.S. Report 14 - Released on April 01, 2020 In the West, cheese retail sales continue to be strong, but they are lower compared to the previous week. Most end users have stocked up on what they need. Orders from food services and international buyers are stable to lower. According to some industry contacts, there is no issue with domestic cheese transportation. Cheese outputs are mainly steady. However, due to abundant milk availability, several cheese makers are taking additional milk loads if they have the space for its processing. Cheese inventories are less tight than last week and are sufficient to fill all needs. In the West, wholesale prices were down $.0375 for process, and down $.1100 for cheddar block, cuts and Monterey Jack. Swiss cut wholesale prices are unchanged from the previous week. NATIONAL RETAIL REPORT DAIRY – CHEESE SUMMARY Advertised Prices at Major Retail Supermarket Outlets ending during the period of 03/27/2020 to 04/02/2020 Cheese 8 oz. Blocks Weighted Average Price National This Period Last Week Last Year Conventional $2.20 $2.44 $2.09 Organic n.a. $5.99 n.a. Regional (Conventional) Wtd. Ave. Low High Northwest $2.18 $1.67 $2.99 Southwest $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 Cheese 8 oz. Shred Weighted Average Price National This Period Last Week Last Year Conventional $2.28 $2.43 $2.14 Organic n.a. $3.50 n.a. Regional (Conventional) Wtd. Ave. Low High Northwest $2.42 $1.67 $2.69 Southwest $2.84 $2.50 $3.00 WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES: DELIVERED DOLLARS PER POUND(MIXED LOTS (1000-5000 POUNDS)) Cheddar 10 pound Cuts 2.0850-2.2850 Cheddar 40 pound Block 1.8375-2.3275 Monterey Jack 10 pounds 2.0725-2.3475 Process American 5 pound Loaf 1.5175-1.7725 Swiss 6-9 pound Cuts 3.2075-3.6375 Information for the period March 30 - April 3, 2020, issued weekly Secondary Sourced Information: In CME Group trading Wednesday, barrels closed at $1.1750, compared to the weekly average price of $1.4125 from last week. Blocks closed at $1.3100, compared to the weekly average price of $1.7545 from last week. Published by: Dairy Market News - Madison, WI FLORENCE KONE-GONZALEZ, (608)422-8594 Email: Additional Dairy Market News Information: Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602 DMN Website: DMN MARS (My Market News):