SJ_GR113 St Joseph, MO Wed, Mar 02, 2022 USDA-MO Dept of Ag Market News National Daily Ethanol Report Corn is spot bid at selected Ethanol plants as of 8:00 A.M. Distiller grains with Solubles (DGS) is FOB the plant. Ethanol is the spot market, FOB the plant. Prices quoted: corn dollars/bushel, DGS dollars/ton, ethanol dollars/gallon, corn oil cents/pound. Yellow Corn Bids Change (¢/bu) Basis Change Iowa-Eastern 7.0375-7.1575 UP 35-UP 30 -22K to -10K UNCH-DN 5 Iowa-Western 6.9075-7.2175 UP 30-UP 24.25 -35K to -4K DN 5-DN 4 Illinois 7.1975-7.6775 UP 35 -6K to 42K UNCH Indiana 6.9775-7.3975 UP 35 -28K to 14K UNCH Ohio 7.0075-7.1575 UP 30-UP 27 -25K to -10K DN 5-DN 8 Michigan 6.9075-7.0075 UP 30 -35K to -25K DN 5 Kansas 7.3075-7.6375 UP 33.25-UP 35 5K to 38K UP 5-UNCH Minnesota 6.8575-7.0875 UP 30-UP 32 -40K to -17K DN 5-DN 3 Nebraska 6.9575-7.5975 UP 35-UP 64 -30K to 20H UNCH-UP 15 Wisconsin 6.7575-7.2775 UP 60-UP 42.25 -50K to -12H UP 25-UNCH South Dakota 6.9075-7.2075 UP 30-UP 38 -35K to -5K DN 5-UP 3 Missouri 7.1075-7.2575 UP 26.25-UP 35 -15K to OptK DN 2-UNCH Sorghum (Milo) Bids Change (¢/bu) Basis Change Kansas NA NA NA NA Missouri NA NA NA NA Dried Distillers Grain (10% Moisture)- dollars/ton - week ending 02/25/2022 Offers Change ($/ton) Iowa-Eastern 235.00-250.00 UP 5-UP 15 Iowa-Western 245.00-275.00 UP 25-UP 15 Illinois 225.00-235.00 UNCH Indiana 220.00-238.00 UP 2-UP 7 Ohio 228.00-233.00 UP 13-UP 8 Michigan 220.00-230.00 UP 15-UP 5 Kansas 260.00-290.00 UP 10 Minnesota 230.00-240.00 UNCH-UP 5 Nebraska 250.00-268.00 UP 10-UP 11 Wisconsin 207.00-230.00 UP 7-UP 15 South Dakota 245.00-280.00 UP 15-UP 35 Missouri 255.00-285.00 UP 5-UNCH Modified Wet Distillers Grain (50-55% Moisture)- dollars/ton - week ending 02/25/2022 Offers Change ($/ton) Iowa-Eastern 110.00-120.00 UP 10-UP 15 Iowa-Western 110.00-130.00 UNCH Illinois 115.00 UNCH Indiana NA NA Ohio NA NA Michigan NA NA Kansas NA NA Minnesota 90.00-102.00 UNCH Nebraska 100.00-134.00 UNCH-UP 7 Wisconsin 102.00 UP 2 South Dakota 112.00-125.00 UP 2-UP 9 Missouri 140.00 UP 5 Wet Distillers Grain (65-70% Moisture) - dollars/ton - week ending 02/25/2022 Offers Change ($/ton) Iowa-Eastern NA NA Iowa-Western 72.00-80.00 UNCH Illinois NA NA Indiana NA NA Ohio NA NA Michigan NA NA Kansas 85.00-105.00 UNCH Minnesota 65.00 UNCH Nebraska 80.00-115.00 UP 5-UP 17 Wisconsin 68.00 UP 3 South Dakota 80.00 UNCH Missouri 78.00-89.00 UNCH Ethanol - dollars/gallon - week ending 02/25/2022 Offers Change ($/gal) Iowa 2.07-2.25 UP 0.18-UP 0.1 ECB NA NA Kansas NA NA Minnesota 2.13 UP 0.08 Nebraska 1.96-2.18 UP 0.07-UP 0.13 Wisconsin NA NA South Dakota 2.17 UP 0.13 Distillers Corn Oil (DCO) - cents/pound - week ending 02/25/2022 Offers Change (¢/lb) Iowa 71.00-80.00 UP 1-UP 5 ECB 70.00-75.00 UNCH-DN 2 Nebraska 73.00-75.00 UNCH-UP 2 South Dakota 73.00-75.00 UP 2-UP 1 Bio-Energy Report Notes: Yellow Corn: US #2 daily spot bids at ethanol plants reported as $/bushel Ethanol: Weekly spot bids FOB the ethanol plant reported as $/gallon Distillers Grains: Weekly spot bids FOB the ethanol plant reported as $/per ton. Protein content 28-30% for most distiller grains on a dry matter basis. Distillers corn oil: Weekly Spot bids FOB the ethanol plant reported as ?/lb. Distiller corn oil is intended for animal feed or biofuel and is not Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) for human consumption. It may also be referred to as inedible crude corn oil or crude corn oil. Chicago Board of Trade month symbols: F January, G February, H March, J April, K May, M June, N July, Q August, U September, V October, X November, Z December Source: USDA Market News Service, St Joseph, MO Staff 816-676-7000 1000Clp