Fall NOSB Meeting 2014 (KY)

Louisville, KY 40202

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) typically meets twice per year in various locations around the United States. During meetings, the NOSB listens to public comments, discusses their agenda items, and then votes in a public forum. Information on past and future meeting agendas, locations, recommendations, and public comments is available by using the drop-down box below.

Meeting Information

140 North Fourth St.,
Louisville, KY 40202


Press Release

Federal Register Notice of Meeting (PDF)

Meeting Agenda (PDF)

Subcommittee Proposals (Individual Proposals by Subcommittee)

Meeting Materials (All Proposals and Discussion Documents) (PDF)

Meeting Recommendation Summary (PDF)

Meeting Transcripts (PDF)

Final NOSB Recommendations

NOP Response to NOSB Final Recommendations (PDF)

NOSB 2015 Work Agenda (PDF)


National Organic Program Presentations