Grades of Flue-Cured Tobacco Nondescript (N Group)
Extremely common tobacco which does not meet the minimum specifications or which exceeds the tolerance of the lowest grade of any other group except Scrap.
- N1L Best Nondescript from the P Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
- N1XL Best Nondescript from the X Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
- N1K Best Nondescript from the B or H Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
- N1R Best, Heavy, Dark-colored Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
- N1KV Best, Variegated, Medium-bodied Greenish Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
- N1GL Best, Thin, Crude Green Nondescript from the P or X Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent crude or waste.
- N1GF Best, Fleshy, Medium-colored, Crude Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
- N1GR Best, Heavy, Dark-colored, Crude Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
- N 1 G G Best,Crude, Gray Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
- N1PO Oxidized Tobacco from the P Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
- N 1 X O Tobacco from the X or C Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
- N1BO Oxidized Tobacco from the B or H Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
- N2 Poorest Nondescript of any Group or Color. Tolerance: Over 50 percent crude, injury or waste; crude or green tobacco containing 10 percent or less of oxidized.
Grades of Flue-Cured Tobacco Scrap (S Group)
A byproduct of stemmed and unstemmed tobacco. Scrap accumulates from handling tobacco in farm buildings, warehouses, packing and conditioning plants, and stemmeries.
- S Scrap. Loose, whole, or broken unstemmed leaves; or the web portion of tobacco leaves reduced to scrap by any process.
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