Flue-Cured Tobacco U.S. Types 11, 12, 13, 14, & Foreign Type 92 Nondescript N Group and Scrap P Group Grades and Standards

Grades of Flue-Cured Tobacco Nondescript (N Group)
Extremely common tobacco which does not meet the minimum specifications or which exceeds the tolerance of the lowest grade of any other group except Scrap.
  1. N1L Best Nondescript from the P Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
  2. N1XL Best Nondescript from the X Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
  3. N1K Best Nondescript from the B or H Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
  4. N1R Best, Heavy, Dark-colored Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
  5. N1KV Best, Variegated, Medium-bodied Greenish Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
  6. N1GL Best, Thin, Crude Green Nondescript from the P or X Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent crude or waste.
  7. N1GF Best, Fleshy, Medium-colored, Crude Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
  8. N1GR Best, Heavy, Dark-colored, Crude Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
  9. N 1 G G Best,Crude, Gray Green Nondescript from the B Group. Tolerance: 50 percent crude, injury or waste.
  10. N1PO Oxidized Tobacco from the P Group. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
  11. N 1 X O Tobacco from the X or C Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent waste.
  12. N1BO Oxidized Tobacco from the B or H Groups. Tolerance: 50 percent injury or waste.
  13. N2 Poorest Nondescript of any Group or Color. Tolerance: Over 50 percent crude, injury or waste; crude or green tobacco containing 10 percent or less of oxidized.
Grades of Flue-Cured Tobacco Scrap (S Group)
A byproduct of stemmed and unstemmed tobacco. Scrap accumulates from handling tobacco in farm buildings, warehouses, packing and conditioning plants, and stemmeries.
  1. S Scrap. Loose, whole, or broken unstemmed leaves; or the web portion of tobacco leaves reduced to scrap by any process.
Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: