Grades of Table Grapes (European or Vinifera Type)
U.S. Extra Fancy Table consists of bunches of well developed grapes of one variety, except when designated as assorted varieties, which are uniform in appearance, well colored, and which meet the following requirements:
Basic requirements for berries:
Firmly attached to capstem;
Not weak;
Not shriveled at capstem;
Not shattered;
Not split or crushed;
Not wet.
Basic requirements for bunches:
Fairly well filled;
Not excessively tight for the variety.
Basic requirements for stems:
Well developed and strong;
Not dry and brittle;
At least yellowish-green in color except for Cardinal, Robin, Exotic, and Beauty Seedless varieties.
Berries free from:
Almeria Spot.
Stems free from:
Berries not damaged by:
Any other cause.
Bunches not damaged by:
Shot berries;
Dried berries;
Other defective berries;
Trimming away of defective berries;
Any other cause.
Stems not damaged by:
Any other cause.
For berries: Exclusive of shot berries and dried berries, not less than 90 percent, by count, of the berries on each bunch shall have the minimum diameters indicated for varieties as follows:
Ribier, Cardinal, Robin, Exotic, Queen, Italia Muscat, and other similar varieties thirteen-sixteenths of an inch.
Other varieties eleven-sixteenths of an inch.
For bunches:
Not less than one-half pound.
For tolerances see §51.886.
U.S. Extra Fancy Export consists of grapes which meet the requirements for U.S. Extra Fancy Table and, in addition, meet the packaging requirements set forth in §51.912.
U.S. Fancy Table consists of bunches of well developed grapes of one variety, except when designated as assorted varieties, which are at least reasonably well colored, uniform in appearance when so specified in connection with the grade, and which meet the following requirements:
Basic requirements for berries:
Firmly attached to capstem;
Not weak;
Not shriveled at capstem;
Not shattered;
Not split or crushed;
Not wet.
Basic requirements for bunches:
Fairly well filled;
Not excessively tight for the variety.
Basic requirements for stems:
Well developed and strong;
Not dry and brittle.
Berries free from:
Almeria Spot.
Stems free from:
Berries not damaged by:
Any other cause.
Bunches not damaged by:
Shot berries;
Dried berries;
Other defective berries;
Trimming away of defective berries;
Any other cause.
Stems not damaged by:
Any other cause.
For berries: Exclusive of shot berries and dried berries, the following percentages, by count, of the berries on each bunch shall have the minimum diameters indicated for varieties as follows:
For Ribier, Cardinal, Robin, Exotic, Queen, Italia Muscat, and other similar varieties, 90 percent shall be at least twelve-sixteenths of an inch;
For Thompson Seedless, Perlette, Delight, Beauty Seedless, Sugraone, Flame Seedless and other seedless varieties, 75 percent shall be at least ten-sixteenths of an inch; and,
For other varieties 90 percent shall be at least ten-sixteenths of an inch.
For bunches:
Not less than one-fourth pound.
For tolerances see §51.886.
U.S. Fancy Export consists of grapes which meet the requirements for U.S. Fancy Table, except that bunches shall weigh not less than one-half pound, and in addition meet the packaging requirements set forth in §51.912.
U.S. No. 1 Table consists of bunches of well developed grapes of one variety, except when designated as assorted varieties, which are at least fairly well colored, uniform in appearance when so specified in connection with the grade, and which meet the following requirements:
Basic requirements for berries:
Firmly attached to capstem;
Not weak;
Not materially shriveled at capstem;
Not shattered;
Not split or crushed;
Not wet.
Basic requirements for bunches:
Not straggly.
Basic requirements for stems:
Not weak, or dry and brittle.
Berries free from:
Stems free from:
Berries not damaged by:
Any other cause.
Bunches not damaged by:
Shot berries;
Dried berries;
Other defective berries;
Trimming away of defective berries;
Any other cause.
Stems not damaged by:
Any other cause.
For berries: Exclusive of shot berries and dried berries, 75 percent, by count, of the berries on each bunch shall have the minimum diameters indicated for varieties as follows:
Thompson Seedless, Perlette, Delight, Beauty Seedless, Sugraone, Flame Seedless and other seedless varieties nine-sixteenths of an inch.
Other varieties ten-sixteenths of an inch.
For bunches:
Not less than one-fourth pound.
For tolerances see §51.886.
U.S. No. 1 Institutional grapes must have no less than 95 percent of the containers in the lot legibly marked "Institutional Pack." Further requirements for this grade include grapes which consist of clusters and/or bunches of well developed grapes of one variety, except when designated as assorted varieties, which are at least fairly well colored, uniform in appearance when so specified in connection with the grade, and which meet the following requirements:
Basic requirements for berries:
Firmly attached to capstem;
Not weak;
Not materially shriveled at capstem;
Not shattered;
Not split or crushed;
Not wet.
Basic requirements for stems:
Not weak, or dry and brittle.
Berries free from:
Stems free from:
Berries not damaged by:
Any other cause.
Bunches not damaged by:
Shot berries;
Dried berries;
Other defective berries;
Any other cause.
Stems not damaged by:
Any other cause.
For berries: Exclusive of shot berries and dried berries, 75 percent, by count, of the berries on each bunch shall have the minimum diameters indicated for varieties as follows:
Thompson Seedless, Perlette, Delight, Beauty Seedless, Sugraone, Flame Seedless and other seedless varieties nine-sixteenths of an inch.
Other varieties ten-sixteenths of an inch.
For clusters/bunches: In this grade grapes shall consist of at least a two berry cluster ranging to clusters and/or bunches of grapes not greater than five ounces in weight. See Section 51.913.
For tolerances see Section 51.886.
Visual Aids
Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources:
- U.S. Grade Standards for Table Grapes (European or Vinifera Type) (pdf)
- Inspection Instructions for Table Grapes (European or Vinifera Type) (pdf)
- 7 CFR 925 Grapes Grown in a Designated Area of Southeastern California
- PATCH #005 Correction to Grapes Market Inspection Instructions (pdf)