U.S. grades are based on nationally uniform standards of quality developed by AMS. These standards promote uniformity and assurance of product quality on a continuous basis regardless of supplier. The official USDA grade shield indicates the product's quality level. The official USDA grade shield indicates the product's quality level. See Figure 1 (pdf)
Veal and Calf Grades
The USDA grade shields are highly regarded as symbols of high-quality American beef. Quality grades are widely used as a “language” within the veal and calf industry, making business transactions easier and providing a vital link to support rural America.
Prime veal tends to be moderately wide and thick in relation to their length. They are slightly thick fleshed and have a slightly plump appearance. They have a Small amount of flank streaking and feathering (fat between the ribs) combined. The color of the lean in the ribeye and on the flanks is usually light grayish pink in appearance on younger veal.
Choice veal tends to be slightly wide and thick in relation to their length. They tend to be slightly thin fleshed and have little or no evidence of plumpness. They have a Traces amount of flank streaking and feathering combined. The color of the lean in the ribeye and on the flanks is usually light grayish pink in appearance on younger veal.