AMS-GD-2020-25 - BAR Decisions - Barley

1. Is all barley considered Malting barley until some factor takes it out of malting?

ANSWER. No. Effective June 1, 1997, customers have the option of having their barley inspected as barley or malting barley for quality assessments. If not requested by the applicant it is graded under the barley class.

2. Do damaged Other Grains (OG) in a sample of Six-Rowed Malting barley function as Damaged Kernels (total) (DKT) and OG? If so, are they scored against sound barley twice?

ANSWER. Damaged OG are scored against DKT and OG but scored only once against sound barley.

3. What does hull-less barley function as?

ANSWER. The Barley Standards do not include hull-less barley in the definition of “Barley”. Consequently, barley samples containing more than 50 percent hull-less barley are considered Not Standardized Grain. In samples containing less than 50 percent hull-less barley, distinguishable hull-less barley kernels function as other grains and are scored against sound barley.  Refer to Definition of Barley and Other Grains.

4. Can heat damage ever exceed the DKT percentage?

ANSWER. No. Since heat and DKT are determined on different portion sizes it is possible to have heat exceed DKT. However, when this occurs, the DKT should be adjusted to equal heat. Refer to Damaged Kernels: Certification.

5. If an applicant requests a sample to be graded as Malting barley, is their a qualifying statement required in the “remarks” section mentioning that the applicant stated that the barley is a suitable malting type?

ANSWER. No. However, upon request, the field office manager may approve a statement in the remarks section showing that the applicant states the barley is a suitable malting type.

6. Can sprout damage be determined on a pearled portion?


7. If the germ area is completely covered by the hull, but has a protruding sprout, does it function as Skinned and Broken (SKBN), as well as damage?

ANSWER. No. Under current SKBN evaluation criteria, the hull covering the germ area must be loose, missing, or split to the extent the germ area is visible from the top. In this instance these criteria have not been met.

8. If a barley sample has a smutty odor, but is not smutty in appearance in mass or contains more than 0.20 percent smut balls, can it be graded as Malting barley?

ANSWER. Yes. A smutty odor does not make the special grade smutty.


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