For consideration to store Commodity Credit Corporation-owned or loan sugar, warehouse operators must submit an application (pdf) to the License and Storage Contract Branch, Warehouse and Commodity Management Division at
Warehouse Operator’s Handbook for Sugar (pdf) provides policy and procedures for initial and continued approval of warehouses operating under the CCC SSA.
- CCC-28 - Sugar Storage Agreement (pdf) - This Agreement defines terms between the warehouse operator storing and handling of Commodity Credit Corporation-owned sugar or sugar pledged as collateral for a CCC marketing assistance loan.
- CCC-28-1 - Application for Approval of Warehouse - Sugar Storage Agreement (SSA) (pdf) - Use this form when applying for a SSA to store CCC-owned and loan sugar.
- CCC-28-1A - Supplement to Form CCC-28-1, Application for Approval of warehouse - Sugar Storage Agreement (SSA) (pdf) - Use this form when applying for a SSA to store CCC-owned and loan sugar or when requesting a change in a warehouse section.
- CCC-28-2 - Schedule of Rates - Sugar Storage Agreement (pdf) - Use this form to provide storage and handling rates to the CCC for warehouses covered under the SSA.
- KC-386 - Power of Attorney (pdf) | KC-386 - Instructions (pdf) - Furnishing this information is optional and it will be used to complete the terms of a contract between the warehouse operator and CCC.
- KC-1230 - Agent Agreement (pdf) | KC-1230 - Instructions (pdf) - Furnishing this information is optional and it will be used to complete the terms of a contract between the warehouse operator and CCC.
- KC-1233-A - Instruction Slip Concerning Signatures (pdf) - This form explains who is authorized to sign contractual documents for the company.
- KC-1622 - Signature Authority (pdf) | KC-1622 - Instructions (pdf) - Used to determine if the person signing contractual documents has the authority to represent the company.
- SF-LLL - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (pdf) - This form is used by Warehouse operators to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352.
- SF-3881 - ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (pdf) - This form is used to obtain banking information to process Disbursements by ACH/EFT.
- WA-51 - Financial Statement (pdf) - This form is used to determine warehouseman eligibility or continued eligibility for a CCC storage agreement.
- CCC-34 - Successor's Agreement (pdf) - This form is used to succeed ownership of the warehousing business to another warehouse operator, with agreement of the CCC.
- CCC-34-1 - Transfer of Rights and Interest (pdf) - This form is used to transfer all rights and interest in ownership from one warehousing company to another, with agreement of the CCC.
- KC-227 - Raw Sugar Certification Report (pdf) - Warehouse operators use this form for recording raw sugar received into the warehouse for storage of CCC interest sugar.
- KC-227A - Refined Sugar Certification Report (pdf) - Warehouse operators use this form for recording refined sugar received into the warehouse for storage of CCC interest sugar.