USDA Introduces New Report Dissemination Process for Market News

February 06, 2020

On Feb. 22-23, 2020, Livestock, Poultry and Grain Market News (LPGMN) will introduce a new market report dissemination process, affecting both mandatory and a limited set of LPGMN voluntary reports. These enhancements will provide customers with improved access to Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR) data, while standardizing report identification numbers and formats across the board.

During this transition, all LMR reports will change to a more user-friendly and accessible PDF format. LMR text reports will be discontinued as these files will no longer be supported. Additionally, all mandatory and a limited set of LPGMN voluntary report identification numbers and URLs will change.

A list of new identification numbers and URLs will be posted on My Market News, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) website, and LMR DataMart website the second week of February. Reports will transition in phases, and the list will denote rollout dates for each report. LMR legacy report identification numbers will remain on the header of each report since so many in the industry commonly refer to these numbers.

LMR reports published after Feb. 22, 2020, will be available through the My Market News file repository, allowing customers to search for all LPGMN reports in one easy-to-use tool once historical reports have transitioned in the coming months. Any historical LMR reports released prior to Feb. 22, 2020, remain available through the legacy AMS Market News search feature.

As an additional resource for customers, in March 2020, LMR data will also be accessible through an Application Programming Interface (API) that mirrors the functionality of the existing My Market News API used for voluntary data. LMR data will continue to be available through the traditional Web Service and LMR DataMart website.

Ultimately, these changes will modernize AMS’ information technology infrastructure by providing a single, more easily managed system for collecting and disseminating LPGMN data. If you have further questions, send LPGMN your questions to

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