Tomato Juice Grades and Standards

Grades of Tomato Juice

  1. U.S. Grade A is the quality of tomato juice or tomato juice from concentrate that meets the applicable requirements of Tables I or II.
  2. U.S. Grade B is the quality of tomato juice or tomato juice from concentrate that meets the applicable requirements of Tables I or II.
  3. Substandard is the quality of tomato juice or tomato juice from concentrate that fails to meet the requirements for "U.S. Grade B."

Color Standards

Color Standards for Tomato Products are available for Purchase.  See How to Purchase Visual Aids for more details.

Instructions for Use and Care of the Visual Color Standards for Tomato Products, including additional technical guidance is found in the Fresh and Processed Equipment Catalog (pdf).  Look in the Processed Fruits, Vegetables, and Specialty Products section on Care and Use Guides. 

Detailed standards, Inspection Instructions & Other Resources: