Honey Packers and Importers Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Information Order

Honey Packers and Importers Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Information Order; Assessment Rate Increase
Docket Number: AMS-FV-14-0045
Effective: May 22, 2015
This rule amends the Honey Packers and Importers Research, Promotion, Consumer Education and Information Order (Order) to increase the assessment rate from $0.01 per pound to $0.015 per pound on honey and honey products, over a two-year period. The Order limits an increase in the assessment rate to no more than one-quarter cent per pound per year. Thus, the rate will increase to $0.0125 per pound for the period January 1 through December 31, 2015, and to $0.015 per pound on and after January 1, 2016. This increase was unanimously recommended by the Honey Packers and Importers Board (Board) which administers the Order with oversight by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Under the program, assessments are collected from first handlers (packers) and importers and used for research and promotion projects designed to maintain and expand the market for honey and honey products in the United States and abroad. Additional funds will allow the Board to expand its production research activities and promotional efforts. The Board's production research focuses on maintaining the health of honey bee colonies. Increasing demand for honey and honey products will benefit the honey industry as a whole. This action also makes three additional changes to: Clarify that the assessment rate applies not only to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule numbers but to any other numbers used to identify honey; change the length of time that books and records are to be held; and change the exemption requirements.
Patricia A. Petrella, Marketing Specialist
Promotion and Economics Division, Fruit and Vegetable Program, AMS, USDA
1400 Independence Ave., SW Room 1406-S, Stop 0244
Washington, DC  20250-0244
Telephone: (202) 720-9915
Fax: (202) 205-2800
Supporting Documents