Release No.: 056-16
WASHINGTON, March 11, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced today that table grape producers in California voted to amend their federal marketing order program.
Producers of California table grapes voted overwhelmingly in favor of two amendments recommended by the California Desert Grape Administrative Committee (committee) with 100 percent of the votes (representing 100 percent of the volume voting in the referendum) approving the proposed changes.
The amendments authorize the committee to increase the length of the term of office for committee members and alternates from one to four fiscal periods, and allow new members and alternates to agree to accept their nominations prior to selection.
Producers did not vote in favor of a third amendment recommended by the USDA to conduct periodic continuance referenda. The number of votes on the third amendment were split 50 percent in favor and 50 percent opposed. Additionally, voters representing over two-thirds of the volume voting did not favor the proposed amendment. Proposed amendments only become effective if approved by either two-thirds of the growers voting in the referendum, or by those representing at least two-thirds of the volume of table grapes grown by those voting in the referendum.
Notice of the referendum was published on Oct. 7, 2015, in the Federal Register. Ballot materials were mailed to all known producers of record on Jan. 19, 2016. A final rule implementing the amendments will be published in a future issue of the Federal Register.
Marketing orders are industry-driven programs that help fruit, vegetable, and specialty crop producers and handlers expand and maintain market success. The California Desert Grape Marketing Order became effective in 1980 and is administered by the 12-member committee. As with all marketing orders, AMS ensures that the program operates in accordance with authorizing legislation (the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937) and adheres to agency policies.
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