Sam Jones-Ellard (202) 720-2739
WASHINGTON, Oct. 6, 2010 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture will conduct a free webinar on Oct. 7, featuring information about starting or expanding Farm to School efforts in your community.
“This webinar will serve as a powerful resource by helping participants find the supporting materials they need to assist them in their Farm to School efforts,” said Robert Keeney, Deputy Administrator of the Fruit and Vegetable Programs.
The Farm to School initiative is an effort to connect schools with regional or local farms in order to serve healthy meals using locally produced foods. Farm to School activities may vary from community to community; however, the basic goals remain the same: to meet the diverse needs of school nutrition programs in an efficient manner, to support regional and local farmers and thereby strengthen local food systems, and to provide support for health and nutrition education.
Since the passage of the National School Lunch Act in 1946, key legislation has played an essential role in providing children with access to healthier meals. Programs like the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) have provided nutritionally balanced and low-cost or free meals and snacks to children each school day.
Schools and communities may initiate and support a variety of Farm to School activities, including nutrition education, agriculture-related lessons and curriculum, school or community gardens, farm tours, taste testing, and parent/community educational sessions.
USDA invites state agencies, school food service administrators, farmers and non-profit organizations to participate in this webinar.
Digging Through Farm to School Resources will be held Oct. 7, at 2 p.m. EDT, and hosted by the USDA Farm to School Team and the National Farm to School Network. Registration is free and is required to participate. Interested parties can register online at If you are unable to attend, this webinar will be recorded and archived on the USDA Farm to School website at
For more information about this webinar, contact or Chuck Parrott, Associate Deputy Administrator of the AMS Fruit and Vegetable Programs, at (202) 720-6393 or via email at
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