930 Tart Cherries

Commodity Regulated: Tart cherries grown in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin
Crop Shipping Season: July 1 through June 30
Fiscal Year: October 1 through September 30
Production Area(s): Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin

Order Authority and Regulations

The marketing order authorizes quality regulations, research and promotion programs, and volume control for tart cherries grown in Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.  The order took effect on September, 24 1996, and was last amended under formal rulemaking on June 7, 2012. View the full regulation.

  • Quality Regulations:  The marketing order authorizes grade and size regulations, but none are currently in effect.
  • Research and Promotion:  The marketing order authorizes production and processing research, market research and development, and/or promotional activities, including paid advertising.  Projects in these areas are currently active.
  • Volume Control:  The marketing order authorizes volume control authority in the form of reserve pool in times of heavy cherry supplies.  Reserve cherries may be used in diversion programs; exported; or carried over as a hedge against a short crop the next year.  The Board may request a release of reserve cherries for free use if needed to fulfill the optimum supply.

Board Structure

The Cherry Industry Administrative Board (Board) representation for each of the 9 nine districts is based on production volume with a maximum of four members per district.  Membership consists of growers, handlers, members at large, and one public member.  The different types of representation on the Board varies annually, and the number of members also fluctuates each year.  Each member also has an alternate.  Board members cannot have the same sales constituency as another member in their district.  Members and alternates serve three-year staggered terms of office beginning July 1 and they are limited to two consecutive terms.   Members are nominated at meetings and by mail ballots, with approximately one-third of the Board's membership selected each year.  Please see the following link for the current Board membership. View a list of members and alternates


View the Tart Cherry forms


Executive Director, Cherry Industry Administrative Board
12800 Escanaba Drive, Suite A
DeWitt, Michigan 48820-0388
Phone: (517) 669-1070
Fax: (517) 669-1260
Website: www.cherryboard.org

USDA/AMS Contact

Director, Market Development Division
Specialty Crops Program, Agricultural Marketing Service
Phone: (202) 720-8085