Items marked with * are for Identification Purposes Only. This exhibit was not accepted by the Administrative Law Judge as official evidence.
- Exhibit 66 - DFA supports USDA's proposal to terminate FO 135 (pdf)
- *Exhibit 67 - Analysis of Proposal I - Proposed Section 1051.7 (c) (pdf)
- *Exhibit 68 - 7 CFR Section 1124.13 (pdf)
- *Exhibit 69 - Fed. Reg. Vol. 71, No. 177: Milk in the Central marketing Area; Final Decision (pdf)
- Exhibit 70 - Testimony of Dennis Schad (pdf)
- Exhibit 71 - Exhibits of Dennis Schad (pdf)
- Exhibit 72 - Testimony of Elvin Hollon (Third Statement) (pdf)
- Exhibit 73 - Exhibits of Elvin Hollon (Third Statement) (pdf)
- Exhibit 74 - CDFA CA Ranch-to-Plant Hauling April 2013-Oct. 2014 (pdf)