NOSB Review Documents
- 1995 NOSB review for addition to §205.601 for use as a plant or soil amendment and post-harvest floating agent
- 1995 Technical Advisory Panel (pdf)
- November 1995 NOSB Recommendation (pdf) (page 19)
- 2011 NOSB review to change §205.601(j) annotation
- 2011 Technical Report (pdf)
- April 2011 NOSB Subcommittee Proposal (pdf) (§205.601(j))
- April 2011 NOSB Recommendation (pdf) (§205.601(j))
- June 2012 Petition (pdf) requesting addition to §205.609 for use as a plant amendment as a chelating agent (aquaculture)
- May 2014 NOSB Subcommittee Proposal (pdf) (aquaculture)
- November 2014 Petition (pdf) requesting removal from §205.601(l)
- April 2015 NOSB Subcommittee Discussion Document (pdf) (aquaculture) (livestock)
- April 2015 NOSB Recommendation: none, on hold (aquaculture)
- October 2015 NOSB Subcommittee Proposal (pdf) (page 42-43) (§205.601(l))
- October 2015 NOSB Recommendation (pdf) (page 23-24) (§205.601(l))
- 2020 Technical Report (pdf) (lignins)
- Added to the National List, §205.601(j) and §205.601(l), effective April 21, 2001 (65 FR 80547, 66 FR 15619)
- Not recommended for rulemaking by NOSB (aquaculture)
- Annotation change, at §205.601(j), effective June 27, 2012 (77 FR 33290)
- Removed from the National List, §205.601(l), effective August 07, 2017 (82 FR 31241)