To enter into a Uniform Grain and Rice Storage Agreement (UGRSA) with Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), warehouse operators must submit an application (pdf) to the Storage Contract Branch, Kansas City Commodity Office (KCCO).
- CCC-25 – Uniform Grain and Rice Storage Agreement (UGRSA) (pdf) | CCC-25 Instructions (pdf) - Warehouse operators use this form to enter into a UGRSA to store CCC-interest grain.
- CCC-25-2 - Schedule of Rates - Uniform Grain and Rice Storage Agreement (UGRSA) (pdf) - This form is for warehouse operators use to provide storage and handling rates to the CCC.
- CCC-24 - Application for Approval of Warehouse for Uniform Grain and Rice Storage Agreement (UGRSA) (pdf) - Warehouse Operators use this form when applying for a UGRSA to store CCC-owned and loan grain.
- KC-386 - Power of Attorney (pdf) | KC-386 Instructions (pdf) - Furnishing this information is optional and it will be used to complete the terms of a contract between the warehouse operator and CCC.
- KC-1230 - Agent Agreement (pdf) | KC-1230 Instructions (pdf) - Furnishing this information is optional and it will be used to complete the terms of a contract between the warehouse operator and CCC.
- KC-1233-A - Instruction Slip Concerning Signatures (pdf) - This form explains who is authorized to sign contractual documents for the company.
- KC-1622 - Signature Authority (pdf) | KC-1622 - Instructions (pdf) - Used to determine if the person signing contractual documents has the authority to represent the company.
- SF-LLL - Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (pdf) - This form is used by Warehouse operators to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352.
- SF-3881 - ACH Vendor/Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment Form (pdf) - This form is used to obtain banking information to process Disbursements by ACH/EFT.
- WA51-2 - Financial Statement Supplement Form and Instructions (pdf) - This form is used to determine warehouseman eligibility or continued eligibility for a CCC storage agreement.
- CCC-34 - Successor's Agreement (pdf) - This form is used to succeed ownership of the warehousing business to another warehouse operator, with agreement of the CCC.
- CCC-34-1 - Transfer of Rights and Interest (pdf) - This form is used to transfer all rights and interest in ownership from one warehousing company to another, with agreement of the CCC.