Grades of Summer and Fall Pears
- U.S. No. 1 consists of pears of one variety which are mature, but not overripe, carefully hand-picked, clean, fairly well formed, free from decay, internal breakdown, scald, freezing injury, worm holes, black end, and from damage caused by hard end, bruises, broken skins, russeting, limb rubs, hail, scars, drought spot, sunburn, sprayburn, stings or other insect injury, disease, or mechanical or other means. (See §§51.1265 and 51.1268.)
- U.S. Combination. A combination of U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 may be packed. When such a combination is packed, at least 50 percent of the pears in any container shall meet the requirements of U.S. No. 1. (See §§51.1265 and 51.1268.)
- U.S. No. 2 consists of pears of one variety which are mature, but not overripe, carefully hand-picked, clean, not seriously misshapen, free from decay, internal breakdown, scald, freezing injury, worm holes, black end, and from damage caused by hard end, or broken skins. The pears shall also be free from serious damage caused by bruises, russeting, limbrubs, hail, scars, drought spot, sunburn, sprayburn, stings or other insect injury, disease, or mechanical or other means. (See §§51.1265 and 51.1268.)
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