Commodity Credit Corporation Storage Agreements

Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) enters into storage agreements with private individuals and companies to allow warehouse operators to store commodities owned by CCC or pledged as security to CCC for marketing assistance loans. Warehouse operators that enter into these agreements must meet standards established by USDA, agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement, and pay any associated user fees.

List of Approved Warehouses

When a warehouse is approved, CCC adds the warehouse to a List of Approved Warehouses which is provided to local FSA offices. Producers must store commodities in warehouses on this listing to obtain warehouse-stored marketing assistance loans.


Contact Information

License & Storage Contract Branch
Warehouse & Commodity Management Division
Mail Stop 8748, P.O. Box 419205
Kansas City, MO 64141-6205
Phone: 816-926-6474


Mail Stop 8748
2312 East Bannister Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64131-3011